Saturday, June 23, 2012

The Book Purse - A Book Lovers Dream Come True!

  Today  I decided to make a book purse. As an avid book worm, I was enchanted with the idea of combining my love of books with my love of fashion to create a super cool accessory. I first espied said item on The sleek, blue, leatherbound tome seemed to cry out to me. And to top it all off, the purse just happened to be made out of "The Chronicles of Narnia" (which happens to be one of my favorite series).

  I decided at that moment I must learn how to make my own (as I've said before I love books). So I did some searches on the net and found several DIY's on

P.S. If you want one of these but don't feel like making one, go to Esty and search book purses.You'll finds all kinds.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

E-textiles ~ The Fabric of the Future?

Hey everyone! Today I discovered something called E-textiles. It's a process by which clothing and electronics are combined. Here's a really cool example of it.

Don't you just love the way it glows! I started looking around on how to make your own e-textiles and there are some pretty good articles on This looks like a promising fashion trend. I can't wait to see wear it goes!